There is humor in almost all aspects of my life. Home, work, and play. Most of my humor comes from the frustrations I feel as I wrestle my way through life.
My job is to turn political policies into technical specifications - and it's funny.
My little girls are 6 and 4 years old - and I am 44. They wear me out. And it's funny.
My wife, chief of the bingo halls, best friend to play with, but the cause of my early grey. And it's funny.
I live on the border between Canada and the United States. I have lived equal times in both countries - but in different eras - and I compare and contrast them with the best of them. And it's funny.
And then there is my golf game. It's funny. But it is also the basis for how I approach life: One hole at a time, keep you head down, follow through, and every once in a while you have to "grip it and rip it".
I do not know the frequency I will be posting here, but I am hoping it will be frequent. And I hope that if you find this interesting - you'll be sure to let me know.