I’ve been
in the IT industry for 30 years now.
The most
memorable people I have worked with have been software developers.
I’ve seen
the change from guys wearing white short-sleeve dress shirts with pen
protectors in their breast pocket and thick black rim glasses punching holes in
cards and running them through card readers to compile the code to run on the only
computer in the company or institution, to guys wearing ear-bud headphones
listening to their playlist of death-punk rock as they pound out code on the
keyboard and reviewing it on the top middle monitor out of six that wrap around
their workstation.
And while
it seems like these guys are totally different, they are in fact the same guy.
They don’t
live in the same world we do.
Their view
of art is code that compiles cleanly the first time and passes every unit test
without fail.
They dare the testers on the QA team to find a bug, and offer
them a reward if they do.
They tell
jokes using binary code and tape them to the office fridge, taking joy in the
fact that nobody else understands it, let alone gets the punch line.
They stay
late. They come in early. They would rather be at their workstation than out in
the world of social interaction. They decorate their workstations with strange
posters and knick knacks of comic book heroes and science fiction space ships. They
greet you with the Vulcan salute of the raised hand with the middle two fingers
spread apart.
They speak
perfect Klingon.
They only
venture out in public when a new Star Wars movie is opening, fully dressed in
their best Darth Vader, Storm Trooper, or Jedi Knight costume – but they look
nothing like the character. And the weeks afterwards are spent dissecting the
movie, where it betrayed the historical knowledge of that universe, and how
they believe it should have been scripted.
people are different.
They are
They should
be committed. But we need them.
I have
known so many of these guys.
They care
little for the real happenings in the world.
They do not
pay attention to or are oblivious to the office politics that arise in every IT
They are
loyal to the systems they create, not to the leadership of the team. And they
will defend their creations to the death if they have to, often grabbing the
nearest light sabre at their desk to defend themselves, leaned against the wall
next to the skate board they rode to work that day.
And when
you do convince them that there is really and truly a bug in their code, using
rational they understand and test case scenarios targeted specifically at that
trouble spot, they have it fixed before you can return to your desk, and unit
tested, and promoted to the staging environment, and they appear as you sit
down with your fresh cup of coffee that you poured on your way back from your
desk expecting you to test it right there and right then to prove to you that
it works – and for you to take back all those mean nasty things you said about
the quality of their compiled application.
If they
could, they would promote right into production. After all, to them, it’s more
important that the world uses their code in perfect condition than any of that
pomp and circumstance layer of protocol, process and paperwork that a production
release entails.
“Just let
me deploy it”.
And they
debate the requirements that you gave them, and explain to you again and again
how your requirements are really wrong, and this is what the code is supposed
to do.
And when
there is a problem someplace else in the system, an application that is not
theirs, they dive into that problem like a wake of vultures attacking a now
dead possum on the side of the road – looking for the bug, and telling the
unfortunate programmer responsible how to fix it, and sharing between them the
comments of how stupid the bug was to begin with.
And they
hate peer reviews.
I love
these guys.
But it’s
hard to keep these guys around.
They move
on. Usually for the next most exciting project they can find, or for an environment
that sees their odd behavior as pure genius. They want cool stuff to work on,
and your respect of the obvious fact that they are the very best there ever
They rarely
move for the money. Or the benefits.
These guys
can drive you nuts.
If you
should find yourself out in public with these guys, like at a Friday lunch at
the local hangout, or a team building night out at the local watering hole, you
will find yourself quietly sitting, looking at your watch or your phone,
waiting for this genius to finish regaling you with their word by word dialog
re-enactment from the scene from Star Trek Wrath of Khan where Spock dies inside
the chamber that powers the warp engines and Kirk watches helplessly outside.
And in that
restaurant, this brilliant programmer will end their re-enactment by screaming “KHAN!!!”
at the top of their voice, and once they get their breath back, state “I love
that scene”.
They don’t
make movies about these guys. At least not where they are the central
character. Who would pay to watch a guy sit at a keyboard, staring at a
monitor, shaking their head to the beat of the guitar silently playing through
their ear-buds.
Okay, there
was Zuckerberg in The Social Network. But he was rarely at the keyboard.
And he’s a billionaire.
A rare find
to see the guy who wrote the code wind up in charge and with all the money. Ask
Bill Gates or Steve Jobs who wrote the code.
Zuckerberg is an anomaly.
should be a story about a team of these guys – all as eccentric as I have
described – faced now in a world where there is no electricity or computers –
and they have to survive.
I’d pay to
see that movie. Even before one of these eccentric fellows put it up on Kodi to
stream for free.
Now, before
I get an inbox full of women saying “Hey, dipshit, women are programmers too ya
know!”, let me just say that in 30 years, I have never met an eccentric female
programmer. They have been brilliant, but not eccentric. They are highly organized
persons who can juggle many things at one time, understand the requirements
without you having to specify them, and their code compiles and runs as
perfectly as their male eccentric counterparts.
But I haven’t
met even one yet that is nuts.
And these
guys are all nuts.
And I love
them for it.
I just don’t
want to have one for a roommate.